Anupam Malik

Even in the most advanced economies, families’ account for a very significant portion of business ownership, control and management. The family business has both strengths and weaknesses. The important thing is to recognize and understand them. Among the weaknesses of the family management, the conflict between the interests of the family and the enterprise as a whole is quite common. The strength of the family can be realized only when the family understands that its personal objectives can be realized only by the long-term success of the enterprise. While allowing some family privileges, the need to accept some limitation on family rights and prerogatives has to be recognized in order to obtain a strong management organization.

The job of operating a family-owned company is often grievously complicated by friction arising from rivalries which may involve cousins, brothers and even a father and his only son or other members of the extended family, who though not shareholders, hold positions in the business. In the atmosphere of unresolved rivalries and conflicts, everyone feels uncomfortable. The conflicting emotions make the family members behave in a manner, which not only cannot be explained or accounted for, but is also contradictory in nature. The feelings of rivalry of one member of the family are the reflection of the feelings of the other. These conflicts terribly tear the family members, resulting in fierce competition and a hostile rejection of dependence of each other. Sometimes the competition can even lead to a manipulative alignment with the employees, business associates or those relatives not connected with the business. The ladies (mothers and wives) have a stake in their own men and may become a foil and reflection of their ambitions and fantasies.

Due to friction within the family, the business becomes a battleground that produces casualties but no peace. To overcome such a situation, a few suggestions need to be thoughtfully considered, namely:-

Thus dualism and diarchy in vital areas of human resource management will not only be in discordance with law but would also create administrative and industrial relations problems. Besides, any divergent arrangement would be pregnant with very damaging mischief. Needless to mention that an approach can be effective only when a macro perspective of the long-term effect is kept in focus.

Last but not the least if a member of the family or blood relation who is incompetent is to be supported or rehabilitated then the adjustment should be made outside the organization or else with the passage of time you will loose the business and also the relationship.